
  1. Manny2828

    Does anyone else have the urge to leave and live somewhere overseas?

    I’m not going to lie man I’m tired of living in the US and it don’t matter if I move 6 hours away or 24 hours away shyt is still the same everywhere. I have this strong urge to pack up and live somewhere for 6 months to two years. I’m thinking either Caribbean, Australia or South east Asia.
  2. Luken

    Whats the point tricking and paying for all this p*ssy when.....

    you still have to WEAR A CONDOM. *inspired by that thread where those nikkas are fukking the broads on the boat* i dont get it. never used an escort never, will. never traveled for sex tourism, never will. i dont see the point in getting head or fukking with a condom, especially when...