african union

  1. loyola llothta

    Report: 14 Countries to Form Block Against Israel’s Membership of African Union

    4 August 2021 Report: 14 Countries to Form Block Against Israel’s Membership of African Union By Middle East Monitor Israel’s return to the African Union (AU) as an observer state has sparked a huge backlash in the continent with as many as 14 countries said to be ready to form a block to...
  2. SirReginald

    Israel Wants To Join The African Union, Turns to Ghana

    The same "state" that disrespects Africans and Ethiopian/Mizrahi Jews :ehh:
  3. SirReginald

    China Threatens Sovereignty Of Several African Nations & Has Tightened Its Grip.

  4. Jimi Swagger

    African Union criticises US for ‘taking many of our people as slaves’ and not taking refugees

    Trump has suspended all US refugee programmes and banned immigration from seven Muslim-majority countries, three of which are AU members The head of the African Union has criticised Donald Trump’s ban on immigration from some Muslim-majority countries, saying it presents “one of the greatest...