
  1. B

    AI discovers over 27,000 overlooked asteroids in old telescope images AI discovers over 27,000 overlooked asteroids in old telescope images News By Sharmila Kuthunur published yesterday "The key to protecting Earth from being hit by asteroids is knowing where all these are." Each green...
  2. 2Quik4UHoes

    The Official HL Astronomy thread

    I’m actually kinda surprised there isn’t a thread dedicated to the study of the world outside our world. I learned under a NASA astronomer when I was a kid so I always had the space geek bug in me. More importantly tho, space exploration helped to advance us very rapidly. If the military budget...
  3. TheAnointedOne

    --&& Daily Math/Physics Questions Thread &&--

    Latest Question Simple premise. Everyday I (and other people can do so) will post a single math or physics question from a wide range of various difficulties. The 'easy' questions will just be college-level stuff. Not braindead simple stuff that middle schoolers can do. (ex.: 1 + 1 = ?)...
  4. L

    Jupiter is shining bright tonight.

    Go outside and look up in the Eastern sky, about 45 degrees up from the horizon. You'll see it glowing a beautiful, brilliant orange. It looks wonderful. Go check it out. Love y'all...
  5. Sankofa Alwayz

    Sounds of Space

    Y'all ever been curious on what Space sounds like with...well...sound? Turns out Space actually does in fact have sound, it’s just travels in the form of electromagnetic vibrations that pulsate in similar wavelengths. What NASA did was design special instruments on their spacecraft that could...
  6. Milk

    Star system has record eight exoplanets

    Artwork: The Kepler telescope was launched to detect new worlds using the "transit method" It's the largest number of worlds ever discovered in a planetary system outside our own. The star known as Kepler-90, is just a bit hotter and larger than the Sun; astronomers already knew of seven...