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    Why grazing bison could be good for the planet Why grazing bison could be good for the planet 2nd November 2023, 08:00 EDT Share By Christopher J PrestonFeatures correspondent Getty Images American male bison on prairie track (Credit: Getty Images)...
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    Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species BOOKS PRINT Book Review: How Our Roads Have Become an Invasive Species REPUBLISH In “Crossings,” Ben Goldfarb explores the science of road ecology, or how roadways affect plants and animal life. Visual: John Duarte/Tetra images via Getty...
  3. Luken

    If you flush after you take a piss, your losing.

    you should be conserving water and only flushing after you shyt. The amount of times you flush your toilet should depend on the amount of times you take a dump in a day. i.e you shyt two times, you flush two times for the day. Flushing after you piss is just a waste of water.:hhh: