
  1. Jean Jacket

    Victoria Monet - We Might Even Be Falling in Love

    I left my card on your dresser...can I come by? :wow:
  2. JadeB

    Would you lay there for 30 seconds for $50 million?

    https://youtube.com/shorts/Wh4PO9AuvLg?feature=share Would you?
  3. HopeKillCure

    Spin: Let's Talk 2 of the Baddest AA Women in Music (Who ain't acutally AA)

    That Yvette dude wildin:steviej:won't end well:banderas:
  4. Mr. Jack Napier

    Alleged Molester Falls To Death In Queens

    blob:http://www.nydailynews.com/c1f3764e-d30a-4a00-b6b5-da66e5f1af22 Man falls to death from window after he was caught touching child That instant karma :sas1:
  5. Amsterdayumn

    Cops Chase Man On The Train Tracks In NY, 2 Of Them Trip!

    0:06 :deadmanny: 0:18 :deadrose: Bernie Sanders lookin' ass in the beginning with the Whoopsie Daisy reaction :mjlol: This shyt looks like it came straight from GTA :dead: