
  1. A

    Official Food Grower’s Thread

    Anybody grow food? Any tips to start the right way? Drop some pics some tips some items you might be interested in growing. I’m starting with leeks rainbow carrots sweet corn squash and pear tomatoes (seemed interesting)
  2. Rhapture


    12 CAT REPELLENT PLANTS THYME Thyme is a wonderful cat repellent herb to grow in any garden as it is also a natural antibiotic. Like lots of herbs it’s best off in pots, which is handy for repelling cats as you can move the pots around to different parts of the garden to protect nesting...
  3. Ahadi

    Ron Finley is Black Man Who Has Mission to Make Gardening Cool

    Imagine a world where everyone knows how to garden and grow their own nutritious food, and food deserts are a problem of the past. This is the dream that “gangsta gardener” Ron Finley had turned into a reality in his South Central Los Angeles neighborhood. “When you learn how to cultivate your...