generational dysfunction

  1. King Static X

    11 year old breh steals car and brags about being a criminal on social media

    This is beyond sad. His life has been over since birth :snoop: He has a felon rap sheet and he's not even high school age :snoop: His father is a worthless street bum :snoop:
  2. Low End Derrick

    It’s Time to Accept That Millennials and Gen Z Are the Same Generation

    Though discourse in 2021 tried to deepen the distinctions, it’s clear that young people today are forged from the same digital monoculture It’s Time to Accept That Millennials and Gen Z Are the Same Generation
  3. Rhapture

    Should reparations include free Therapy/healthcare/counseling

    POST TRAUMATIC SLAVE SYNDROME — Dr. Joy DeGruy Since alot of people are still suffering from post traumatic slave syndrome