illusion of choice

  1. SirReginald

    TOPIC OF THE DAY: Is There Such A Thing As The BLACK Community?

    When I saw that post yesterday I was taken away :wow: Now, this poster and I are cool. However, I came to ask you all is there a such thing as a Black community? Asians and etc have their own community. Why can't we have out own :patrice: Is the Black Community an illusion that's just not...
  2. SirReginald

    Why Can't We Just Admit That We Live In An OLIGARCHY? (With An Illusion Of Choice)

    I HATE when people say we live in a democracy because that isn't the case :snoop: Hell, I HATE when people say we have just for all :stopitslime: We live in an oligarchy with oligarchs in control. They infiltrate your government and etc. They are corporations and billionaires :francis: You...