
  1. kwazzy100

    So, I took my 10 y/o nephew to see "Sorry to bother you" last night...

    :dwillhuh: The film was DEFINITELY not what I expected :snoop: I thought the movie would at LEAST have 1-2 nude scene I'd just block my lil neph's vision Didn't thought it was serious...until I got to the part with all the naked horse people....with them big ass shlongs :dame: At that part...
  2. SheWantTheD

    ~ I Became An Uncle Today! (Free Daps) ~

    Early this morning my sister gave birth to a beautiful baby boy! Me and my sister's boyfriend was there during the birthing process, it went pretty quickly actually under an hour. I have a new found respect for women now that I have seen childbirth. And seeing life come out of a womb and how...
  3. M

    What Tough Love LOOKS Like: Uncle Kicks Nephews Ass for Robbing Neighbors- Then Breaks Bread

    This the type of discipline majority of these new nikkas aint getting, but sorely needs...:wow: Not just the discipline, but the love- "Your uncle got you! But stay out these folks shyt":mjcry: Some ppl online saying he went too far- but if he breaking into houses he could easily get killed on...