nigeria is a zoo

  1. Nkrumah Was Right

    The Nigerian Military Forced 10,000 Abortions in Boko Haram Ravaged Area

    Nigeria military ran secret mass abortion program in war on Boko Haram Excerpts:
  2. princeofhaiti

    Just quit my 9-5 and started my own LLC

    Hey Coli fam! I took the steps to bet on myself and reap 100% return of the profits. I have never been without a job so this a big step for me but Im at the stage in my life where nobody is going to tell me what to do when I don't feel like doing it. This country doesn't benefits the 9-5 single...
  3. The Odum of Ala Igbo

    Nigeria Stopped Africa and the Diaspora Gaining Reparations!

    Nigerian Activists Urge Slavery Reparations - 2001-09-04 :lolbron: Nigeria’s Yoruba President, Obasanjo, opposed reparations when Nigeria chaired the Reparations Committee at the Durban Conference. Thus, setting the movement back TWO decades!
  4. The Odum of Ala Igbo

    Nigeria is a Zoo! Policeman hits woman when she refused to let him search her pants

    Support the Nigerian government and its security forces :mjlol: