
  1. Big Mountain Hélà

    Omaha Cac👮‍♀️ trashes brehette’s car at their apt complex, he resigned right before meeting with Internal Affairs

    Look likes she needs some protection :takedat: Omaha police officer who put trash on neighbor's car gets criminal mischief citation Alia Conley The Omaha police officer who dumped trash on top of his neighbor’s car has been ticketed on suspicion of criminal mischief. Officer William...
  2. I

    Funny TikToc But Went Down A Rabbit Hole....Some Crazy shyt

    Saw this.. The nikka name is Nikko Jenkins. His WHOLE family are crazy killer criminal felons. Apparently they’ve been wreaking havoc all over Omaha. All descend from a Native tribal chief. Whole family tree full of killers. :mindblown: Of course, the twitter gutterbuts are...
  3. somewhereinamerica

    Cardinal Legend Bob Gibson has passed

    Rest In POWER. November 9, 1935 - October 2, 2020