
  1. Professor Emeritus

    FBI investigator breaks down the war crime that Blackwater just got pardoned for

    This shyt is :wow: and :mjcry: how real he makes that scene. Don't read it lightly cause there are some intensely disturbing details. fukking horrible moment and they shouldn't be on the streets. FBI team leader: How I know the Blackwater defendants didn't deserve a pardon from Trump (opinion)...
  2. I

    Trump Commutes 14 Year Sentence of Rod Blagojevich and Pardons others.....

    You can say what you want about the man, but 45 is loyal to those that are loyal to him. :whew:
  3. DrBanneker

    So who do you think POTUS is going to pardon?

    @ThreeLetterAgency @88m3 @Aelyas en passant @FAH1223 @kingofnyc @CACtain Planet @theworldismine13 So the time is coming up, post election, where every outgoing POTUS gets to pardon the 'turkeys', people who are politically connected, have a cause celebre, or maybe just an endearing story...
  4. mamba

    Help free these brehs and brehettes from prison

    Barack Obama's time in office is nearing its end. We're not going to get reparations. We're really not going to get any legislation meant for Black people. Our best bet is to keep pushing him for these pardons. That's a power he can exert unilaterally day in and day out without a cap on the...