
  1. SATAN

    I'm not Muslim, but there should be some kind of warning for stuff like this

    Fruit snacks. Why is there pork in my fruit snacks?
  2. DrBanneker

    China to lose/kill 130 million pigs due to African swine flu; pork prices soar

    You will soon see huge jumps in the price of pork at the market given African swine flu has jumped to China (via Europe and Central Asia) and is expected to kill 1/3 of all their pigs -- 130 million in total. This is not just a supply issue but also a huge medical risk if it jumps to humans...
  3. Indiglow Meta (R$G)


    Stopped a nikka for no reason so I pulled my camera out and tried to put on my best job interview voice so this french talking pig could understand me, since they like to act like they can't understand English, despite having to. The Caccop let me go, but he still got put on tape.