
  1. Low End Derrick

    Black woman marries White MAGA regrets it

    Audio version for the illiterate/lazy: She's now deleted it, of course
  2. SirReginald

    Do You Have Any Regrets? Tell Us What They Are.

    Mines are. - Not joining the basketball team in HS. Was so close. - Not going on the wrestling team in 12th grade. A cute girl was going to join with me too. - Not taking a year off after school - Not asking a girl out that I liked last year - Not volunteering like I wanted to this year...
  3. SirReginald

    What Would You Have DONE DIFFERENTLY In High School/College?

    I wish I was on the basketball team and fukked hoes. Even though I was havin puss thrown at me without being on a sports team :manny: