
  1. RasNas

    Young Dro on being 17 months clean

    Powerful message for anyone going through it in recovery. He says he lost 5 uncles and aunts due to drugs and that he started using drugs since he was 12. Glad to see him finally doing better. Interview is by Shawn Prez by the way not Vlad.
  2. Super Future Luther King Jr.

    Quando Rondo GEEKED the fucc up during “CigarTalk” interview SMH. Be a dope fiend brehs!

    Around 10 min is where it starts getting scary All the way to the end of the interview from there Smfh :dwillhuh: :gucci: :francis: :mjcry: WE GOTTA KICK THE OPIATES BREHS LEAVE THAT shyt TO THESE CRACCERS :scust: