
  1. you're NOT "n!ggas"

    Just seen my half white cousin post 5 loafs of bread talmbout she making "stuffing"

    "Grandma's Recipe" :why: This is where pawging leads you :hhh: Me and unc gotta TALK today :martin:
  2. you're NOT "n!ggas"

    wtf is WRONG with yall brehs mixing up "stuffing" with DRESSING

    @SJUGRAD13 you might've told om yourself today
  3. Remote

    Southern coli brehs: does it bother you that we Yankees say Stuffing instead of Dressing?

    Now that we've officially determined that Pepsi = soda (calling it pop is silly), what's the proper term for this thanksgiving staple? I've always heard it called stuffing. But apparently in the south it's called dressing. I always thought dressing was like, miracle whip. But that's a debate...