thank you

  1. Unknown Poster

    Coli I don't ask for much but I need your me boost my music show some support.

    Now I know we got a lot of creative people on here and I'd like to thank the coli for being supportive and just the great community here...but I need your help. And I know some people are hesistant to share their real life stuff on here, but I am just doing music and ain't harming anybody so if...
  2. Afro

    A sincere thank you to The Coli **Free Daps and Reps**

    I been meaning to make this thread for about a week now :wow: It's a long one so :yeshrug: When I came to this board I was a shell of man brehs, Grew up anger, bitter, and resentful of everything and everyone. I was angry 24/7 and it was always focused on myself. I hated everything about me...