us america

  1. K

    Everybody is taught to hate us but we’re not taught to hate them

    It’s the main reason why we’ll never have true allies. It’s the reason why the energy we give is never given back. Everyone is taught to hate us but we’re never taught to hate them and they probably think we are taught that way too but we’re not. Which gives us a disadvantage because we’re...
  2. Black Haven

    What Every State in the US is Best and Worst At

    Didn't know Alaska was ruff like that:picard: Also Idaho:mjpls: And South Carolina folks, y'all don't respect y'all damn elders?:gucci:
  3. Supercoolmayo

    US approves strikes on Syrian military targets

    Read more U.S.-Led Coalition Launches Attacks On Syria
  4. loyola llothta

    Latin America: The US 'terror' training camp you've never heard of (Noriega,Jorge Videla etc.)

    Read More: Infamous US military school still draws fire Training Latin American soldiers, 'School of the Americas' continues to stir debate after notorious human rights abuses. Full article link: Infamous US military school still draws fire