Vitor Belfort, From The Beginning (Career Retrospective Article)


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo
I was going to post this in the 187 thread, but since it's so long I thought it would be a better idea to make it a stand alone thread. This is a really amazing article that spans Vitor's entire MMA career. I might be biased because the guys my favorite athlete of all time, but it's definitely worth reading if you're a fan of the sport.

I was shooting the semifinals at the Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu National Championships on a sunny Sunday in November 1994 when Carlson Gracie Sr. approached me and said, “Keep an eye on that kid. He’s a phenom. He’ll win his weight division and the absolute.” Of course, I followed Gracie’s advice, and he was right. “Vitinho” defeated all of his opponents and captured gold medals in the heavyweight and absolute divisions for blue belt juveniles (under 18 years of age).

Because of the talent and strength Vitor Belfort showed, Gracie made an exception after nationals in 1994. Then 17, Belfort was allowed to train with his adult team, which featured some of the toughest jiu-jitsu champions around. Suddenly, the young kid was rolling with his idols, men he was used to seeing on the covers of “Tatame” and “GracieMag” magazines: Ricardo Liborio, Murilo Bustamante, Wallid Ismail, Ricardo De Lariva, Mario Sperry and plenty of other monsters that comprised the Carlson Gracie Army at the time. They were training to fight in local vale tudo events, many of them against their luta livre archrivals.

Belfort first turned heads in 1994.
In that atmosphere of rivalry and toughness, they started to build Belfort. The rapid improvement he showed during no-gi training and the boxing skills he displayed -- Belfort started working with Claudio Coelho as a 12-year-old -- opened Gracie’s eyes. The world already knew his family but not Carlson himself, even though he had defended the family name in vale tudo upon Helio Gracie’s retirement and become the No. 1 producer of jiu-jitsu champion’s in the sport’s history; from the 1980s until the late 1990s, his grapplers won 90 percent of the competitions, from beginner to black belt.

When Frederico Lapenda invited Gracie to open an academy in California, he surprised the entire team when he asked Belfort to go with him. Opening Lapenda’s academy in West Hollywood made Gracie recall the 1960s, when he had to defend the family name. The United States provided Gracie’s team with exposure, and Belfort was one of the primary vehicles. Whenever Gracie saw a big guy, he invited him to visit the academy. Belfort lost count of how many men he fought.

“I remember on day we just had lunch and a big wrestling guy came over,” Belfort told “I told Carlson that my stomach was totally full, and he told me to throw it up. He said, ‘If a man wants to pick up your girlfriend in the street, will you allow him to because your stomach is full?’” Belfort did as his teacher requested and submitted the man without using a single punch.

Without financial support through which to advertise, the academy in California started to mirror its Brazilian headquarters in Copacabana, with few students paying for private classes and a lot of police officers and security guards from the area training for free.

“Carlson’s heart was huge,” Belfort said. “Whenever he saw a big guy with potential to be a fighter, he invited him to train with us.”

Money was short, but the impressive sequence of tests made Gracie 100 percent sure that the time to take Belfort before the lions had come.

Belfort and his mentor were tight.
In April 1996, I traveled to Japan with Gracie to cover a Universal Vale Tudo Fighting event. When we returned from Tokyo, I spent five days at Gracie’s house in Los Angeles to follow Belfort’s training routine. After everything I had heard Gracie say about Belfort, I decided to write a story in “Tatame.” It was then that Gracie launched Belfort as his adopted son, and Vitor Belfort Gracie was born.

“I’m doing it as a marketing matter, because the Gracie name is very strong here in the United States,” Gracie told me. “He is able to beat anyone. It can be Marco Ruas, Hugo Duarte or Ken Shamrock. All those guys are welcome.”

By his mentor’s side, Belfort told me at that time that his dream was to conquer the Ultimate Fighting Championship and show the world that the Gracie name extended far beyond Royce Gracie and his immediate family.

“Carlson avenged Helio’s loss to Waldemar Santana and defended the Gracie name for 19 years, and nobody knows about him,” Belfort said. “That’s not fair, and I’ll fight to show how important Carlson Gracie is to martial arts.”


A few months after that initial report was published in Brazil, Belfort traveled to Hawaii with his mother, Jovita, his mother’s boyfriend, Carlos Valente, and his sister, Priscila. Valente took Belfort to train at the Relson Gracie academy.

“One day I was training in there when some Pancrase guys showed up,” Belfort said. “Relson just had jiu-jitsu guys, and I offfered to train with them without a gi. In a few minutes, a guy was bleeding and asked to stop. I didn’t know he was a Pancrase champion. The Japanese magazine used many pages for that story.”

That training session resulted in an invitation to face the 6-foot-7, 295-pound Jon Hess at SuperBrawl 2 on Oct. 11, 1996. Hess had scored an impressive technical knockout against Andy Anderson at UFC 5. It would serve as Belfort’s professional mixed martial arts debut. At the weigh-in, Belfort was excited to see a number of Los Angeles Lakers were in attendance.

“I remember Shaquille O’Neal had just signed with the Lakers, and when he saw the name Carlson Gracie on my T-shirt, he bet a gold rolex with Magic Johnson, who asked me if I was crazy to fight that big guy,” Belfort said. “He accepted the bet. I’ll never forget about that.”

On the day of the fight, while Belfort was beginning his warmup in the dressing room, a representative from the promotion stepped forward with a request from Hess. According to Belfort, he wanted to propose special vale tudo rules, which would make attacks to the genitals and eye gouging legal.

“I said, ‘No, Carlson. I want to have a wife and kids someday,’” Belfort said. “Carlson immediately told me to shut up and told the translator to tell the guy that, besides vale tudo rules, we’d accept him bringing a knife to the ring. When the guy left the locker room, Carlson asked me, ‘Are you crazy?’ This guy’s afraid of you and wants to test your nerves. You’re going to kill him in less than a minute.’”

With more than six decades of vale tudo experience upon which to draw, Gracie’s words carried weight. Belfort entered the ring with confidence and knocked out Hess in 12 seconds.
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Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo

Belfort lit Telligman up something serious.
The impressive victory over Hess earned Belfort a ticket to the UFC four months later. Weighing 215 pounds by that time, Belfort entered the open weight tournament at UFC 12 and knocked out Tra Telligman and Scott Ferrozo in two minutes combined to win the competition. They called him “The Phenom,” and the legitimacy of the nickname was affirmed in May 1997, when Belfort knocked out David “Tank” Abbott in 43 seconds.

After three impressive wins in the UFC, the then 19-year-old Belfort was forced to confront an opponent with which he would become all too familiar throughout his career: fame. He was suddenly viewed as the No. 1 fighter from the Carlson Gracie camp, and jealousy spread among many of the teammates he grew up idolizing.

“It was not his intention, but Carlson ended up comparing me to almost all of the team,” Belfort said, “and it was hard to deal with all that envy.”

Stardom also bred complacency. In lieu of hard sparring, Belfort started following in the footsteps of friend and bodybuilder Chris Lufer. In a few months, he had ballooned to 240 pounds, and he carried his newfound muscle into his matchup with UFC 13 tournament winner Randy Couture. They met at UFC 15 on Oct. 17, 1997, and the man affectionately known as “Captain America” smashed through Belfort in 8:16 for a decisive TKO victory.

“Definitely, the sudden fame affected me,” Belfort said. “I didn’t train anything for that fight. I was involved with many girlfriends, and even though he was tough, I was sure I could beat Couture easily. I paid the price for that. My world came crashing down, and it was a big shock for me.”

After a submission victory over Joe Charles in December 1997, Belfort made his recovery from the disappointing loss to Couture complete at UFC 17.5. There, he faced another future legend of the sport, Wanderlei Silva -- an International Vale Tudo Championship titleholder who was riding high after his knockout against Mike Van Arsdale. The self-confidence Silva and his team showed stood in stark contrast with Belfort, whose look of concern gave onlookers pause.

In only 44 seconds, Belfort took apart “The Axe Murderer” with one of the most unforgettable sequences of rapid-fire punches in MMA history. The crowd at Portuguesa Gymnasium in Sao Paulo, Brazil, went wild.


Belfort left gracie to join the new BTT.

Six months after he defeated Silva, Belfort shifted his attention to Pride Fighting Championships and a bout with Japanese icon Kazushi Sakuraba. It was an important chapter in the relationship between Belfort and Gracie. After a dominant start, Belfort broke his hand and the tide turned in Sakuraba’s favor.

“During his time, Carlson used to fight on cement courts without gloves for many hours,” Belfort said. “He could not accept that I fought worse with a broken hand.”

Gracie insinuated that Belfort was paid to lose, and upon their return to Brazil, mentor and pupil parted ways. Belfort threw out his anchor at Brazilian Top Team, the new camp formed by Liborio, Sperry, Bustamante and Bebeo Duarte, all black belt dissidents from the Gracie team. Gracie was angered by the move, but during that time, Belfort scored four straight wins in Pride over Gilbert Yvel, Daijiro Matsui, Heath Herring and Bobby Southworth.

At the end of 2001, Belfort was invited to appear on “Casa dos Artistas” -- a popular reality show on SBT, the second-largest television station in Brazil. Inside the house, he began a relationship with Joana Prado, who at the time was the most famous and desired woman in the country, with a record-selling issue of the Brazilian edition of “Playboy” magazine behind her. The relationship between Belfort and Prado was a strong point of the show and resulted in a healthy audience. Some days, ratings even approached those normally reserved for Rede Globo, the No. 1 TV station in Brazil.

When the show ended, Belfort’s fame had grown again. He put in a request with Silvio Santos, the owner of SBT, to broadcast a UFC event for the first time on Brazilian television. Belfort was scheduled to face Chuck Liddell at UFC 37.5 on June 22, 2002.

Belfort married Playboy model Joana Prado. “After two months with no training, I had around three weeks to get ready to face Liddell,” Belfort said, “but I knew it would be a turning point for the sport in Brazil.”

He was right. The fight aired in late night but drew an impressive audience of 11 points, almost twice that of Rede Globo in the same time slot. Belfort lost a unanimous decision to the future hall of famer, but the ratings called attention to MMA’s potential on Brazilian television.


Eterno Menino
Apr 30, 2012
Eu Sou O Segundo

Belfort’s personal dreams always involved building a family. It was an experience he lacked as a child since his father and mother separated while he was still quite young. He married Prado, and it looked like his fighting career was trending upward. Fans were seeing flashes of “The Phenom” again.

Following his loss to Liddell, Belfort stopped Marvin Eastman with knees and punches -- he left an axe-sized cut in his wake -- in 67 seconds at UFC 43. He was then awarded a rematch with Couture at UFC 46 on Jan. 31, 2004, with the light heavyweight championship hanging in the balance. However, on Jan. 9, three weeks before the most significant fight of his life, Belfort was forced to deal with the unthinkable. His sister, Priscila, disappeared in downtown Rio de Janeiro. Many versions of what happened surfaced, but none were confirmed and no body was ever found. News of Belfort’s missing sister hit the news stations and turned into a national drama.

Priscila Belfort was never found.
Though emotionally distraught, Belfort elected to follow through and face Couture. He was considered a heavy underdog, but he cut Couture’s eyelid with his first punch, resulting in a stoppage 49 seconds into round one. The technical knockout made Belfort the UFC’s light heavyweight champion. Still, professional achievement did little to diminish personal anguish, as Belfort struggled to come to terms with his sister’s disappearance.

Eight months after he defeated Couture, the two men fought again and Belfort relinquished the title in a third-round TKO. In the two years that followed his victory over Couture, Belfort went 2-5, with losses to “The Natural,” Alistair Overeem (twice), Tito Ortiz and Dan Henderson scattered among wins over Antony Rea and Kazuo Takahashi.

In August 2007, Elaine Paiva confessed to having participated in Priscila’s death. According to Paiva, Priscila was kidnapped to pay a $4,000 debt to drug dealers, but police were unable to locate a body with Paiva’s assistance. From that point forward, it seemed Belfort lost all hope in finding his sister alive and instead refocused on his career, his wife and the family they had already started.

Belfort claims the birth of his first son, Davi, in February 2005, motivated him to train harder. Daughters Victoria and Kyara followed in January 2007 and June 2009. During this time, Belfort began a new phase in his career. He fought in Cage Rage, capturing gold there with back-to-back wins over Ivan Serati and James Zikic. Belfort then accepted an invitation to compete as a middleweight in Affliction, an American-based company with which he delivered violent knockouts against Terry Martin and Matt Lindland. He had found new life at 185 pounds, and other doors soon opened.


Franklin was victimized by Belfort.
“The Phenom” returned to the Ultimate Fighting Championship at UFC 103, where he headlined opposite former middleweight champion Rich Franklin in a catchweight main event. Belfort stopped Franklin with punches in a little more than three minutes and was anointed the No. 1 contender to Anderson Silva’s middleweight title. Their fight would become a turning point for MMA in Brazil.

Belfort inadvertently raised Silva’s profile in Brazil with his challenge. Even though the UFC had grown in popularity in Brazil by 2011, only true MMA fans were fully aware of Silva. On the other hand, Belfort was a celebrity in the minds of most Brazilians. Brazilian media sent 46 journalists to cover UFC 126 on Feb. 5, 2011 in Las Vegas, guaranteeing one of the biggest MMA audiences ever in the country. Silva defended his middleweight crown in spectacular fashion, as he took care of Belfort with a front kick to the face and follow-up punches. Shock swept across the beaches, slums and countryside. No one, it seems, had envisioned “The Spider” beating Belfort so easily. Silva’s shadow widened overnight.

The popularity of the Silva-Belfort match served as the first step to Rede Globo buying the rights to the UFC in Brazil and transforming the sport of MMA into a national fever. It also made Silva more famous in Brazil than most soccer players, and he followed his performance against Belfort by avenging a disqualification loss to Yushin Okami and defeating longtime nemesis Chael Sonnen for a second time.

Following the loss to Silva, Belfort rebounded with decisive wins over Yoshihiro Akiyama and Anthony Johnson. He also put down roots with the Blackzilians camp in Florida.

“Carlson always told me that lions train with lions,” Belfort said. “I need to train in a place where I have hard sparring, and the Blackzilians is that place.”

In September 2012, Belfort agreed to challenge UFC light heavyweight champion Jon Jones. He threatened with an early armbar but eventually submitted to a keylock from the young champion in the fourth round. Belfort went on to enjoy the best year of his career in 2013, though it was later revealed that he and 13 other UFC fighters had been granted a theraputic use exemption for testosterone replacement therapy by the Nevada Athletic Commission. Nevertheless, Belfort dispatched three of the middleweight division’s top contenders: Henderson, Michael Bisping and Luke Rockhold.

With his latest tear, “The Phenom” earned the right to face undefeated middleweight champion Chris Weidman, the man who had ended Silva’s historic run atop the 185-pound division. While the fight has been postponed three times -- the first because of the NAC’s ban on testoserone replacement therapy and the other two because of injuries sustained by the champion -- the two men will finally meet in the UFC 187 co-main event on Saturday at the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas. There, Belfort will seek to join Couture and B.J. Penn as the only fighters to win UFC titles in two weight classes.

Win or lose, Belfort’s place in history is secure. His talents have crossed generations, and he has spent the better part of two decades competing against the best fighters in the world. Carlson Gracie would be proud of the last representative of his line.