
  1. R

    Do white ppl from Baltimore have the ohh (eww) accent?

    Was watching this and saw the Baltimore part. Also where did the ohh(eww) originate from in Baltimore?
  2. Sankofa Alwayz

    New York and Baltimore sound alike??

    I ran into this video by Jess Hilarious on my feed earlier and while the video is 3 years old, I still find it funny that there are some folks out there who legit think people from NYC and Bmore talk the same :russ: Apparently she stayed getting comments out in public wondering where she from...
  3. JadeB

    I'll cashapp $10 to anyone who can decipher what Boomhauer's daughters said

    They sound like what I imagine a stereotypical lynch mob will sound like:why:
  4. 987654321

    Which accent is more seductive? Video/poll

    Nigerian vs Jamaican I was melted butter halfway through. I can listen to this shyt all day. No I don’t follow “Blavity”. It was on the explore/discover thing.
  5. I

    Hood Accents Across America

    Since this was a topic of discussion for the past few days... Observations - accents are not as thick as you would assume. - some slight regional differences but they were slight. - don't know what it is about Memphis, I can understand them in this video but they lost me a few times...
  6. Jimi Swagger

    American English Dialect Map - based on pronunciation patterns

    Interesting map and research... North American English Dialects, Based on Pronunciation Patterns Took me years of traveling, expat living and language immersion to drop my maternal fam's God awful Southern low country accent which still resurfaces every now and again...
  7. N

    Ladies, how do you feel about British accents?

    I know the majority of y'all are American. A lot of American females I've had conversations with seem to be really intrugied by my accent. How do British Accent's hold up with you?:lupe: