ain't no crabs in this barrel

  1. CopiousX

    Serious question. What's up with crab and lobster?

    Serious question whats up with crabs and lobsters? How did this become human food? Like seriously who was the first man to look at this thing and say, i wanna put this in my mouth...:dame: I mean seriously. I mean this design was basically god telling us not to fck with this animal...
  2. Verbal Kint

    30 seconds of support for Free Daps and Reps my Brehs

    Long story short, me and my guy started a podcast where we taking shots at Trump, racism, the NFL, you name it. Today is the first day its available in iTunes :wow:and free daps and reps to anyone that subscribes, downloads and rates. You ain't even gotta listen to the joint :hubie:, just...