
  1. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Anarchy: What It Is and Why Pop Culture Loves It

    :whoo:from Teen Vogue In a pop-cultural sense, at least, the idea of anarchy has been characterized by either a middle-fingers-up, no-parents-no-rules punk attitude, or a panicky, more conservative outlook used by national and state sources to represent violent chaos and disorder. Today, we can...
  2. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    These Mexicans not playing- A New Generation Of Anti-Gentrification Radicals Are On The March In LA

    LOS ANGELES — The protest at Mariachi Plaza didn’t seem, at first, like a declaration of war. “Gentrification is not your next documentary topic,” the group recently wrote on its blog. Its leaders distrust the media, saying they’d “rather opt out and tell our story for ourselves,” and did not...
  3. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Lorenzo Komboa Ervin: Why I Am An Anarchist

    Lorenzo Komboa Ervin is a former member of the Black Panther Party and wrote the seminal text “Anarchism and the Black Revolution” while incarcerated as a political prisoner. By Lorenzo Komboa Ervin In the 1960s I was part of a number of Black revolutionary movements, including the Black...
  4. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    You Can Not Be Pro-Black If You Think Capitalism Will Save Us

    Let me be clear this ain't no conclusion I got from any cracka or uppity ass boogie negro who never worked a day in his life, nerdy nikka; but as a father, the head of his household I come from a place where we all figured out the main viruses that has and continues to afflict those of us in the...