asian black alliance

  1. BlackJesus

    A Pro FBA Asian? Now I’ve Seen Everything

  2. GatorStaceyAdams

    Oaktree Capital, one of the largest Hedge Funds, celebrates Black History Month

    :snoop: My fellow coli finance professionals know this game all too well. Next post will probably feature Becky from Connecticut:stopitslime:.
  3. 606onit

    Asian AirBNB host kicks 5 professional BM out of her NYC Flat; Calls them "monkeys"

  4. SirReginald

    Asian Actor Jake Choi Wants Fellow Asians To Support Black Films (Black-Asian Alliance?)

    He was a huge fan of Black Panther too :ohhh: So, are we in for a new Asian-Black Alliance :jbhmm: You know, the same group who comes into our communities and treats us like shyt Yeah, the same people who caped for Peter Liang. Yeah, fukk your support...