
  1. Rhapture

    Secretly filming your sex partner vs Sharing screenshots of private texts

    Are they equal offenses?
  2. DatLBCGuy562

    Have You Ever Fell Out With A Long Term Friend Over A Woman/Man?

    Fairly long read. Sorry in advance. I was on about 6 months ago. A fairly attractive woman messages me. I respond and we start chatting. She seems ok, so we move forward and make plans to get to know each other and eventually meet... We had been involved with one another for about 3...
  3. P

    What's the worst dirtiest/worst thing you've done to a woman???

  4. GoldCoastSaint

    What About Your Friends... They ever hurt you bad?

    Deceive you? Betray you? Dumped you unexpectedly? What's the worse way a friend has hurt you and did y'all make it through? Do tell...