
  1. Professor Emeritus

    India's largest state bans Halal food

    They are wilding on this anti-Muslim agenda. The CM in charge of that state is a radical right-wing Hindu Nationalist priest and supposed to be the leading candidate for India's next PM too. He's basically Stephen Miller in a robe. UP govt bans sale of halal-certified products with immediate...
  2. 88m3

    Deadly violence rocks New Delhi as Trump praises Modi on ‘religious freedom’

    Deadly violence rocks New Delhi as Trump praises Modi on ‘religious freedom’ Issued on: 25/02/2020 - 09:38Modified: 25/02/2020 - 18:10 Rival groups engaged in violent clashes over the citizenship law in New Delhi on February 24, 2020. © Danish Siddiqui, Reuters Text by:FRANCE 24Follow | Video...
  3. 88m3

    Indian Science Congress Speakers Say Newton Was Wrong, Ancient Demon-King Had Planes

    Indian Science Congress Speakers Say Newton Was Wrong, Ancient Demon-King Had Planes January 9, 201912:56 PM ET KAMALA THIAGARAJAN Prime Minister Narendra Modi (center) attends the opening of the 106th Indian Science Congress at Lovely Professional University on last week in Jalandhar...