black middle class

  1. DrBanneker

    The top fastest growing middle/upper middle class Black areas

    So last October I did a thread on the highest income majority Black counties: There weren't too many surprises there though the ranks have changed some over the years. There are a lot of...
  2. I

    Black Middle Class Gentrification and The Question of Displacement

    I've always seen this video on Youtube but never actually watched it. This is a discussion with sociologist Mary Pattillo who wrote Black Picket Fences, one of the definitive studies of the black middle class. One of the points that she makes is that the data doesn't suggest that the black...
  3. Jimi Swagger

    Median wealth of black Americans 'will fall to zero by 2053'

    Study predicts huge and growing gulf between white US households and everyone else could be disastrous for future of America’s middle class. I dare not pass this knowledge down to my kids’: Mysia Hamilton with her five sons. Photograph courtesy Mysia Hamilton Growing up in the projects of...