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    Telecom Monopolies Are Once Again Funding Covert, Sleazy Local Attacks On Community Broadband Networks Telecom Monopolies Are Once Again Funding Covert, Sleazy Local Attacks On Community Broadband Networks Broadband from the...
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    Republicans Trying To Kill Program That Brings Affordable Broadband To The Poor Republicans Trying To Kill Program That Brings Affordable Broadband To The Poor Broadband from the dysfunction-junction dept Wed, Jan 3rd 2024 05:32am - Karl Bode Last month...
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    Republicans slam broadband discounts for poor people, threaten to kill program Republicans slam broadband discounts for poor people, threaten to kill program Thune, Cruz complain that $30 discounts go to people who "already had broadband." JON BRODKIN...
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    Tired Of Being Ripped Off By Monopolies, Cleveland Launches Ambitious Plan To Provide Citywide Dirt Cheap Broadband Tired Of Being Ripped Off By Monopolies, Cleveland Launches Ambitious Plan To Provide Citywide Dirt Cheap Broadband Broadband from the...
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    Colorado repealed law limiting municipal internet, making it easier for towns to build their own More than 160 cities, towns and counties opted out of Senate Bill 152, and some built their own gigabit service that was 4,000 times faster. But there were other reasons for the repeal. Tamara Chuang 4:11 AM MDT on...