buck breaking

  1. ViShawn

    Author, Filmmaker, Museum Curator, Entrepreneur Tariq Nasheed announces new miniseries and streaming service.

    Family, you can also donate to his Kickstarter for the film. :troll:
  2. mattw1313

    get rewarded for being a docile negro brehs

    remember the bird watcher who refused to cooperate with the prosecution of the central park karen who did her very best to get him shot? they just gave him a whole show on NatGeo: https://www.cnn.com/2022/05/24/entertainment/christian-cooper-national-geographic-show-cec/index.html
  3. Low End Derrick

    How True Is This Image About The Rt Hon. Brother Tariq?

    Y'all think this is accurate, or is this simply slanderous work of of some pissed off immigrant anchor baby tether c00n/dirty ass b*dwench mammy c00n? :patrice:
  4. I

    Boosius Christ Hath DeliverT Another One...

  5. Rell Lauren

    Breh buckbroken in Playboy Magazine SFW

  6. Milk

    Buck Breaking - Hidden, Untold, History

    I didn't find any mention of this on the Root. So, I'm posting this here for people who are unaware.