

    My Remix to CAGE - 54

  2. Bart simpson

    Sweet Christmas!!! Marvel's resident Pawger Luke Cage is CANCELED

    ‘Luke Cage’ Canceled by Netflix Daniel Holloway October 19, 2018 7:28PM PDT Netflix has canceled “Luke Cage.” News of the cancellation comes four months after the superhero action drama from Marvel Television debuted its second season on the streaming service — and just days after...
  3. Rhapture

    The Real Life Luke Cage

    Breh on that super soldier serum:dwillhuh:
  4. Neuromancer

    Did everyone on the Coli watch Luke Cage?

    If so what were your thoughts. Does it make you hopeful for the Panther? Was Luke a c00n by coli's standards?
  5. Cage

