cheated on

  1. Yo Mama

    UPDATE - Timberland's.... Infidelity or dumb paranoia?

    One poster said a lot of women would leave their husbands if they could afford it: LMFAO DEAD..GMB Asian actor edition This is mainly true. I finally got conclusive proof that my husband was cheating on me. I was really pissed for a day or two but realised I need to cool down and stick to my...
  2. SheWantTheD

    A Regular Russell Wilson Would Be A 27 Year Old Virgin Simp Getting Cheated On

    Russell Wilson was a star quarterback at two different Division 1 schools and became a star in the NFL. He stuck by his high school sweetheart the entire time and supposedly never cheated. Despite being drafted 75th in the 2012 NFL draft, he plays amazingly well his first year and goes on to...