comfort food

  1. Sex Luthor

    What's your comfort food?

    Whether your depressed, in a good mood, celebrating a birthday or whatever, what is the food you love the most. Even if you :flabbynsick: and can't have it anymore. Mine would have to be a big ass mid rare ribeye :ohlawd: (yea i said mid rare), brussel sprouts with bacon :noah: and black beans...
  2. DatLBCGuy562

    What Are Your Go To Vices To Cope With The Stresses Of Everyday Life??

    For me, without the gym, good music, comfort food like the occasional pizza and bag of chips :flabbynsick:, the occasional no strings attached p*ssy, and good reading material, I would've committed that long ago :to: These things help keep my insanity intact and take the monotony and pain out...