
  1. Rhapture

    A dog sharing its food with a stray cat win hearts online

    A video of a dog sharing its food with a stray cat win hearts online According to a Daily Mail report, the dog named pudding was seen bringing a steamed bun for the dray cat. By: Trends Desk | New Delhi | Updated: August 26, 2020 11:56:47 am NEXT Video shows the dog patiently waiting as the...
  2. Crude Abolitionist

    #Dogset vs #Catset (Offical Thread)

  3. Rhapture

    Pit Bulls are the most sensitive and passionate pups on the planet

    Just look at the level of empathy and awareness. A cat could never comprehend such things because they are sociopaths like their owners. The demonization of these gentle and sensitive creatures needs to stop :stop:. Look at how he understands Simbas situation completely and is particularly...
  4. SirReginald

    If Society Was More Compassionate It Would DECREASE The Suicide Rate.

    Straight up. We are in a horrible political time right now. Well, we were always in one, but it's worse now. Besides the middle east here in the states is shytty. Decorum wise. In my opinion, I feel if we treated people with much more respect and looked at ourselves in the mirror, then we...
  5. Uitomy

    You ever just lose yourself in sex sometimes?

    Like, to the point its almost like you got an alter ego or some shyt? Like even when you know you're going to smash when you do it you be so into it its like you forget what time is and who you really supposed to be? To the point after it over you be like:dwillhuh: did I just do all that? should...