
  1. B

    Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? A Critic at Large Is A.I. the Death of I.P.? Generative A.I. is the latest in a long line of innovations to put pressure on our...
  2. FAH1223

    NBA cracking down on YouTube channels showcasing full games from the 1970s to 2000s

    Some of my favorite channels just wiped out. :mjcry: The vintage commercials too. Shid! What a disaster :snoop:
  3. Rhapscallion Démone

    Aaliyahs uncle says Normani should have asked for permission

  4. The True HD

    $ Will have my First Patent(s)/Trademarks in 2020s $ (Inventors Get in Here) **Long **

    With the help of a few attorneys I have been able to successfully research, navigate, and file the required paperwork to soon have my own provisional patents and trademarks as early as next year. The process seemed daunting at first seeing as I had no prior experience with the task but being as...