
  1. CopiousX

    Serious question. What's up with crab and lobster?

    Serious question whats up with crabs and lobsters? How did this become human food? Like seriously who was the first man to look at this thing and say, i wanna put this in my mouth...:dame: I mean seriously. I mean this design was basically god telling us not to fck with this animal...
  2. Rhapture

    Crabs in a barrel

    Technically a skillet, breaking stereotypes and erasing the stigma that comes with being a member of their community :wow:. Notice how they let bruh do his thing and in return he saved all of them. He didn't forget where he came from :mjcry:. When he made it, they all made it.:blessed:
  3. Spacely Sparkus

    Turk tells a story of Him, Wayne & Buck catching CRABS in Houston

    Story wild as shyt, he passed it on to his baby momma too:mjlol: Turk book otw tho :jbhmm:
  4. Pdiddy

    Judge Throws the Book @ PAWG

    Cacs are upset that she got so much time Was she fukking with nikkas? :mjpls: Getaway driver Jessica Marie Walker sentenced to 13 years in prison
  5. Drake is God

    Billionaire: Black people we have to stop tearing each other down.

    This is the same man who acquires companies, forces the employees to sign a draconian 2 year non-compete if they want to keep their job, and then systematically fire them (regardless of performance) over two years as part of their "playbook". Then he replaces them with younger/cheaper...