democrat 2020 primary

  1. saturn7

    CNN Spotlights White Women Struggling with Shame of Past Trump Support: ‘It Truly Hurts My Heart’

    video in the link CNN Spotlights White Women Ashamed of Past Trump Support In a lengthy new report, CNN’s Kate Bolduan focused on a key voting bloc — white women — that helped President Donald Trump earn Pennsylvania’s electoral votes so critical to his election in 2016. The segment first ran...
  2. mc_brew

    Rate Trump's Presidency....

    so it's been almost 3 years of this dude in office... you know what he is, no need to describe him... the question is, in your opinion, is he doing a good job or a bad job... would you vote to give this dude 4+ more years or do you think this experiment needs to end in january 2021..... spit...
  3. mc_brew

    Official 2020 Democratic Primary Debate Thread

    The Democratic Primary Debates Are Upon Us Moderators: Savannah Guthrie, Lester ****, Chuck Todd, Rachel Maddow, José Diaz-Balart Debate 1: Wed, June 26, at 9pm EST Participants: Cory Booker | Bill de Blasio | Julian Castro | John Delaney | Tulsi Gabbard Jay Inslee | Amy Klobuchar | Beto...
  4. mc_brew

    John Hickenlooper Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Bid

    I know he's low budget, but he still must be discussed. John Hickenlooper kicks off 2020 campaign in Denver - CNNPolitics Hickenlooper 2020
  5. S

    ADOS: American Descendants of Slavery

    About ADOS – #ADOS Closing the racial wealth gap requires a New Deal for Black America. President Trump’s assertion during the 2016 Presidential campaign that Black Americans “have nothing to lose” was met with defiance by those on the Left, but the data supported the statement. From...
  6. mc_brew

    Joey B! --- Official Biden 2020 Presidential Campaign Thread

    really.... do we want another establishment dem to carry the mantle.....? some folks do..... so i present to you, the official joey b presidential watch thread... i don't think he throws his hat in the ring though.... where would biden be if he did...? according to the polls he would be...
  7. Berniewood Hogan

    Official Bernie Sanders HQ: Not Me, Us!

    They say the number one most important thing is just winning the election. Okay. Bernie has the best shot at that.:yeshrug: It’s Bernie, bytch Bad-faith liberals still blindly downplay Sanders's chance THIS DANDY LITTLE BIT of self-plagiarism is from three years ago, when I attended a...
  8. mc_brew

    Kamala Harris Officially Announces 2020 Presidential Bid - Kamala Bear... GRRRR!!!

    ***BREAKING NEWS ALERT*** Kamala Harris declares 2020 presidential run on 'Good Morning America' i don't know how i feel about kamala..... there are a lot of things about her that i'm concerned about... her time as prosecutor, not going after mnuchin, corporate donations she has taken, and...