election results

  1. Easy-E

    What happened to the 'Vote or you ain't s***' crowd? Seriously, where ya'll at?

    Black politicians talking immigrants, Trump, DACA, gun control, etc. Nothing about black Americans. UPDATE: Rep. Hank Johnson/House rep for GA's 4th District; 60% Black...10% Hispanic. John Lewis; Rehasing the Civil Rights, movement, dikkriding Barry, "Vote to honor your ancestors"...
  2. Bernie Madoff

    Jill Stein says investigate voting process she's a hero. Trump attacked.

    Am I missing something? And the "hero" literally fleeced the American public out of millions of dollars. Can someone explain the difference to me?
  3. GPBear

    Why The DNC Fukked Us or: How I Learned To Stop Worrrying and Love The Bern

    Take a look at these maps, brehs, notice anything peculiar? The one in red is Trump vs Hillary, the other one is Sanders (Green) vs Clinton (Weird yellow): Isn't it interesting how basically every...single...county...that voted for Sanders in the primary voted for Trump. Trump territory...