
  1. It is a mystery

    The key to a woman's heart is in the EMOJIS

    In the 2010s and beyond obviously. If you find your text game is weak or are one of the brehs complained that women are weak conversationalists, its likely due to a lack of emojis. Guys are really still getting 1 word responces and 0 cooperation but their pride wont let them attempt to send...
  2. Klyk21

    Mentally Ill Thot Mom kills son and text BF video of dead body and uses laughing emojis

    Pennsylvania mother kills 17-month-old son and texts video of boy's body to his father with laughing emoji Tweet email Mother Facing Murder Charges In McKeesport Toddler's Death CBS Pittsburgh...
  3. It is a mystery

    If you haven't pulled a chick with only emojis in 2016 its time to retire

    Because you are too old and washed to be trying to function in society clearly Senile :old: posters are about to come in here and talk about "my way with words tho" like that really matters anymore lmao If your emoji game isn't flames, you better work on it 100
  4. It is a mystery

    SLOWPOKE vs the people: Double standards EXPOSED

    http://www.thecoli.com/threads/when-will-thecoli-get-with-the-times-and-use-emojis.447264/ Now I'm sure you remember that CONTROVERSIAL thread. I proclaimed that emojies were the future of communication and y'all told me to stfu and straight CRUCIFIED my rep for it. It was dark times for the...
  5. It is a mystery

    When will thecoli get with the times and use EMOJIS?

    The day when the coli adds emojis it's going to be lit Using "smilies" in 2016