facial hair

  1. M

    Can you reverse :flabbynsick: facial hair genetics?

    :flabbynsick: My dad is 58 with a Master P face, I seen an old picture of him in the 80s with a thin ass mustache on his lip on some Rich the Kid shyt but that's it My older brother is a little better but his grows in like Paul Pierce :scust: I'm about to be 21 & still have barely visible...
  2. M

    What age did you start growing facial hair?

    I'm turning 20 and only have peach fuzz above my lip and strands of hair on my chin:francis:
  3. BlackAchilles

    What age did you start rockin facial hair ...

    ... And did you notice a difference in how people respond to you? :jbhmm: To clarify I don't mean the age that hair started growing on your face, I mean the age you consciously decided to go with some kind of style. I don't generally have a ton of facial/body hair so I was clean shaven for a...
  4. Black Andy Dwyer

    How Do I Achieve My #BeardGoals In 2017

    For most of my life, I have tried to keep a decent amount of facial hair on my face. Always kept it simple with a full goatee. Except that one time I worked for Publix. They don't allow facial hair so I had to shave it. That's when I learned I look like Mr. Potato Head without facial hair...