free speech

  1. B

    An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them An Iowa fight over a Satanic display reminds us: Republicans believe "free speech" is only for them The key to understanding the GOP furor over "anti-semitism" on campus? A...
  2. B

    Police defend raid on Kansas newspaper amid backlash over ‘brazen violation of press freedom’ Police defend raid on Kansas newspaper amid backlash over ‘brazen violation of press freedom’ Marion County Record reports publisher’s mother died from stress of...
  3. B

    ACLU suing Saucon Valley School District over district's decision not to allow After School Satan Club {Update 5/1/23} 17 hrs ago Saucon Valley Middle School HELLERTOWN, Pa. - The American Civil Liberties Union, the...
  4. Professor Emeritus

    This Black Lives Matter court decision is wild

    So just last year lawsuits against Trump for the violence at his rallies were dismissed by the 6th Circuit Federal Appeals Court, because it was determined that even though Trump had encouraged his supporters to be violent, and encouraged his supporters to kick those specific protesters out of...
  5. Ya' Cousin Cleon

    Ur-Fascism, Free Speech and Those Who Forgot

  6. Jimi Swagger

    Canadian gender-neutral pronoun bill is a warning for Americans

    BY JORDAN B PETERSON Two weeks ago I posted three YouTube videos about legislative threats to Canadian freedom of speech. I singled out Canada’s Federal Bill C-16, which adds legal protection for “gender identity” and “gender expression” to the Canadian Human Rights Act and the Criminal code...