fried food

  1. Charlie Hustle

    Eat fried toothpicks krehs

    TikTok - Make Your Day SEOUL (Reuters) - A health warning from South Korea's food ministry has urged people not to eat fried toothpicks made of starch in a shape resembling curly fries, after the practice went viral in social media posts. Video clips showing people consuming the deep-fried...
  2. Hater Eraser

    Y'all brehs fugg wit Chicken Fried Steak ??

    Always seemed sus to me :mjpls: . And usually served in greasy spoon type of establishments on the West Coast .:scust: My girl and cousin are from down south and say you don't know what you're missing :usure::ufdup: :comeon: Taking a vacay trip soon and heading south :patrice: Am I...
  3. SirReginald

    If You Was On DEATH ROW What Would Be Your Last Meal?

    Even though I'm a Vegan since I'm dying in 20 minutes I'd feast on Chicken & Waffles :blessed: