
  1. T

    Sony Positions Next PlayStation for Hard-Core Gamers

    New console, expected during 2020 holidays, will feature sharper graphics and well-known games to help separate from rivals By Takashi Mochizuki June 29, 2019 5:30 am ET TOKYO— Sony Corp.’s next-generation PlayStation is still more than a year away, but its marketing strategy against...
  2. Professor Emeritus

    Gamer gets 20 years in prison for swatting

    Everything about this case is :mindblown: Put a man's life in danger over a video game :mindblown: Challenge some hothead to SWAT you and then give him some stranger's address :mindblown: You're a SWAT team and you shoot a confused unarmed guy just walking out of his crib solely cause you...
  3. Crude Abolitionist

    EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V: ‘Accept it or don’t buy the game’

    They don't give a fukk about these alt right gamergate incel white losers :mjlol: And the funny part is they bytch all the time and still end up buying the shyt :russ: EA like we know how weak they are we going to do what we want :yeshrug: EA on the backlash against women in Battlefield V...
  4. Fatboi1

    What do you use your consoles for?

    :patrice: I had a long night and woke up refreshed. I seriously need to know what do people who own consoles use them for.