george soros

  1. blalienz

    Black(gay) Lives Matter onthe move putting lgbt and transgenderism to elementary black children

    They at it again:francis: I wonder whose funding this initiative:mjpls: The high profile deadly shootings of black men and women by police have slowed down so they going another route DatGenda:mjpls:
  2. FAH1223

    George Soros is predicting economic collapse due to BREXIT, Debt, and China

    What George Soros' Quotes and Stock Holdings Say About the Future George Soros is back, and that's not a good sign for the global economy. Jay Jenkins (TMFJayHJenkins) Jun 14, 2016 at 10:41AM Billionaire George Soros sees an economic storm gathering. Image source: Flickr/Carl Milner. George...