
  1. Fade Runner 2049

    Germany supports and backs Israel, showing us all the power of forgiveness

    FOCUS Israel at war Ukraine POLITICSGERMANY Scholz: Germany's 'only place' now is at Israel's side 10/12/2023October 12, 2023 German Chancellor Olaf Scholz condemned those who "glorified and celebrated" the terror attacks in Israel and announced a ban on Hamas activities in Germany. Scholz...
  2. Luken

    I dont shake hands or dap anymore....

    unless i've seen you just wash your hands or use sanitizer. too much nasty shyt going on these days :scust: i just hit nikkas with the 'send-off' salute now :manny:
  3. SheWantTheD

    The Next Time You Use Someone's Phone Or Laptop/Computer

    Remember that they most likely watch porn and fap using it and remains of their semen and p*ssy juices be all over that phone, laptop, computer etc. Women are really dirty with the shyt though. Using dildos and not washing them before and after every use. Also the whole tasting ya p*ssy...