
  1. B

    North Carolina Republicans Just Passed a Massive Power Grab to Seize Control of Elections VOTING RIGHTS SEPTEMBER 22, 2023 North Carolina Republicans Just Passed a Massive Power Grab to Seize Control of ElectionsA new law could give the GOP legislature the ability to overturn results...
  2. FAH1223

    SCOTUS rules that gerrymandering can't be resolved by federal courts

    This means state courts and independent commissions are going to continue to be the driving forces to limiting gerrymandering. Maryland and North Carolina were the main targets here. But Wisconsin is also gerrymandered to hell after 2011.
  3. Reality Check

    Gerrymandering Watch: Supreme Court strikes down Virginia GOP appeal

    Hopefully this is a sign of what direction the other cases will go.
  4. FAH1223

    Federal Judge tosses Maryland’s Congressional Map for Partisan Gerrymandering

  5. Professor Emeritus

    Trump and the Republican fight for a Whiter America

    White Fight: Donald Trump is leading the Republican charge to preserve a shrinking White minority TLDR: Step 1) They block non-White people from coming in. Step 2) If non-White people do get in, they block them from getting legal status and then deport them. Step 3) If they do get legal...