hl poster of the year

  1. Black Panther

    ***2018 Higher Learning POTY Primary Thread***

    Last year, yours truly :stephena1: won Higher Learning POTY in his first full year on the Coli. :wow: Like winning Rookie of the Year and MVP at the same damn time. :bpbanderas: Nominate up to three Higher Learning posters you believe should win POTY for 2018. :ahh: We can have a separate...
  2. Black Panther

    We Interrupt Your Regularly Scheduled TLR F*ckery With A Special Announcement...

    Hi, I'm The Black Panther, current Higher Learning World Heavyweight Champion, here with a special announcement for TLR. No matter what your political beliefs are, you should be aware that the current political climate is more tumultuous than ever before. You should understand that there is a...
  3. SirReginald

    What Party Affiliation Would I FIT Under? (I'm Done With The Democratic Party After Sanders)

    After I write my letter to the DNC I'm OFFICIALLY kicking the Democratic Party to the bushes :camby: My parents and family grew up as Democrats :mjcry: I'm a liberal, pro lgbt, moderate on abortion, for legalization of marijuana, so where would I fit in? The Libertarians are gonna be that...
  4. SirReginald

    What Are Your Thoughts On Ralph Nader & Ron Paul?

    So, what are you overall thoughts on him? I've been looking at some of his lectures. What's still amazing is he drew a crowd in 2000 at MSG. So, there's a market for independent voters :jawalrus: Also, I've been looking at Ron Paul also. They say he's a true patriot/libertarian.
  5. Brown_Pride


    HL Rules do not apply feel free to be yourself. Voting will be public.
  6. Brown_Pride

    Official 2013: HL Poster of the year is...

    Votes have been counted, provisional ballots have been tabulated and two :hamster: computational devices have been burned through and we are pleased to announce the 2013 Higher Learning Poster of the Year: @DEAD7 Congrats Reward to be announced soon :shaq: