hodge twins

  1. M

    Tyrone Magnus disapproves black woman as a 007

  2. Hijo de luna

    Why hasn't the Hodge twins landed a major deal?

    Youtube money dried up. They can't tour forever. Whats next for them:patrice:
  3. Sugar Walls HodgeTwins

    Sugar Walls HodgeTwins

  4. Broad Street Bully

    Hodge Twins Tells Y'all Simp Boys The Truth.

    :smugfish: And they're 100% correct on everything. Nobody likes that super nice guy shyt, only in the movies nikka. But real life ain't the movies so you gotta be assertive from the rip and let these woman know that you ain't no pushover. That's how you win. It's not about being an "a$$hole" or...