housing costs

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    The Real Crisis Driving America’s Teacher Shortage

    https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2023/09/housing-real-crisis-driving-americas-teacher-shortage/ The Real Crisis Driving America’s Teacher Shortage What happens when teachers can only afford to live hours away from schools? EMILY TATE SULLIVAN SEPTEMBER 6, 2023 Carrie Rogers, a teacher at...
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    More Americans Are Ending Up Homeless—at a Record Rate

    https://www.wsj.com/articles/homelessness-increasing-united-states-housing-costs-e1990ac7?st=e6hyfywynwcmugx&reflink=article_copyURL_share More Americans Are Ending Up Homeless—at a Record Rate High housing costs and evictions push more people from homes, advocates say By Jon Kamp Shannon...