
  1. Sleepy Floyd

    Passport Bros favorite Filipina grifter queen, who called black women hyenas, turned her back on Passport Bros and is now claiming to be a black woman

    She's a grifter who panders to Passport Bros, she made a dating website that she makes Passport Bros pay to join. She always made videos calling black men "chocolate kings" and calling black women "hyenas". :mjpls: She doubled down on her racism when called out on it: Then she turned her...
  2. Pinyapplesuckas

    How you let Kid from Kid-N-Play outrap you in 2016!?!?!?

    Now I saw this video when it first was upped to youtube but i held back...but recently I watched this again and i'm seriously mind blown how any rapper could let a rapper from that era come in a cypher platform and smash him easily. I'm one of the few who actually fukked with Das Racist too and...