
  1. FAH1223

    Argentina's Macri faces setback as Fernandez sees primary win

    Argentina's Macri faces setback as Fernandez sees primary win With more than half of the vote counted, opposition receives 47 percent of the vote, against the incumbent's 32 percent. by Natalie Alcoba Following the results on Sunday, Macri vowed to 'redouble' his efforts to ensure victory in...
  2. loyola llothta

    The Plantation Called Haiti: Feudal Pillage Masking as Humanitarian Aid

    “For whose entertainment shall we sing our agony? In what hopes? That the destroyers, aspiring to extinguish us, will suffer conciliatory remorse at the sight of their own fantastic success?” – Ayi Kwei Armah, from the book “Two Thousand Seasons”
  3. 88m3

    Greece emerges from eurozone bailout programme

  4. Jimi Swagger

    African debt servicing costs hit 16-year high

    Figures come as IMF warns of potential rise in public debt to ‘unsustainable levels’ Mozambique's currency, the Meticals has surged in the past year NOVEMBER 16, 2017 Steve Johnson, The governments of major sub-Saharan African nations are more indebted than at any point since...
  5. Jimi Swagger

    Brazil-Iran Strengthened in the Post-Cold War International Systems: The Monroe Doctrine

    By José da Cruz, Extramural Contributor at the Council on Hemispheric Affairs Nov 6, 2017 The Monroe Doctrine was established in 1823 and it has been a persistent factor in guiding U.S. foreign policy toward Latin America ever since. However, in the 2013 speech to the Organization of...
  6. loyola llothta

    Here's how Africa is held (hostage) at the mercy of NGO's & donors

    Source: The Role of NGOs in Africa: Are They a Force for Good?