
  1. Rhapture

    The Itis should be a legitimate reason to call out of work🍗🥧🍖🧀🌽

    Turkey day be leaving us with leftovers upon leftovers I think the Itis should be treated just as seriously as any other pandemic. I'm quarantined tomorrow and next week fukk it
  2. Jimi Swagger

    California Jack in the Boxes will test late-night meals aimed at pot smokers for $4.20

    Taking advantage of the legalization of marijuana in California in 2018, Jack in the Box is testing a new late-night meal package in Long Beach that’s aimed at satisfying post-pot cravings. It is partnering with Merry Jane, digital media company supported by Long Beach rapper Snoop Dogg, to...
  3. Doctor Doom

    SPIN: What foods/meals give y'all brehs/brehettes that instant ITIS?

    im talking about the kind of shyt that you need a blanket nearby for :ohlawd: My mom's oven baked Mac and cheese :wow: :wow: :wow: I already know I'm sleeping for at least 3-4 hours after getting a plate. :damn: